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UK experts give blackouts warning

"Some energy experts asked by BBC News warn the UK could face an unacceptable risk of major blackouts in less than 10 years unless policy is improved."

Category: Energy sources


Obama's message to the world: we will act quickly on climate change

"Obama... ...sent a strong signal yesterday that he plans a decisive break with George Bush on environmental policy once he moves into the White House."

Category: Climate Change


Driving by mind control

"Technology developed by Microsoft Research Asia and a university in China could allow motorists to drive a car without ever touching the wheel" Video clip included

Category: Transport


The oil crunch: watchdog warns over falling supplies

"The International Energy Agency is to call today for an energy revolution and a "major de-carbonisation" of global fuel sources as the world confronts tighter oil supplies caused by shrinking investment."

Category: Energy sources


Google hits to warn of flu epidemics

"Search engine to use online queries to predict health trends before official health bodies"

Category: Medical Physics

Displaying results 1721 to 1725 out of 2977